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4 Common Household Allergens in North Texas

You love your home in North Texas, but you might not like the various allergens that come with living in this region. The mild temperatures that keep Texas warm year-round also allow for the presence of pollen year-round. Below, we list the common household allergens in North Texas and what you can do to alleviate your symptoms.

Grass Pollen

Grass pollen ranks among the most prevalent allergens in North Texas, especially during the summer months. Species such as Bermuda grass, timothy grass, and Kentucky bluegrass release microscopic pollen grains that can trigger allergic reactions. Symptoms may include sneezing, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion. Vacuuming regularly and keeping the windows closed during high-pollen seasons can reduce your exposure.

Cedar Pollen

Cedar pollen is another common allergen in North Texas, particularly during the winter months, when cedar trees release their pollen. The fine, dust-like cedar pollen can travel long distances, infiltrating homes and triggering allergies. Using air purifiers and regularly washing bedding can keep cedar pollen at bay.

Ragweed Pollen

Ragweed pollen is a notorious allergen in North Texas and across the United States. It typically peaks in late summer and fall. Ragweed plants release billions of lightweight pollen grains that can remain airborne for days and easily find their way into homes. Regularly changing your HVAC filters and keeping your indoor humidity levels low can control ragweed pollen levels indoors.

Mold Spores

Mold is a year-round allergen that thrives in damp, warm environments. It releases tiny spores that can cause allergic reactions when inhaled. Symptoms range from sneezing and a runny nose to shortness of breath and asthma attacks. If mold is a problem in your home, you may need to contact a residential mold remediation company. These professionals can safely remove mold and prevent future growth.

These common household allergens in North Texas can cause discomfort and health issues. However, with the right strategies in place, you can maintain a healthier, more comfortable home environment. Knowing these common allergens is the first step toward creating an allergen-free home.