Asbestos Removal in Dallas
(469) 951-9970
Asbestos removal in Dallas and the DFW area. At Redline Emergency Solutions, we provide professional, efficient, affordable, and safe asbestos abatement solutions.
Asbestos refers to a group of fibrous minerals used to strengthen and fireproof materials. Unfortunately, asbestos can be incredibly toxic, and even small abrasions can cause asbestos fibers to spread into the air. When inhaled over long periods of time, asbestos fibers become trapped in the body and cause diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. For that reason, you should seek out asbestos encapsulation or removal services when you encounter even the smallest sign of asbestos within your home or business.
Common Signs of Asbestos Exposure:
- Shortness of breath
- Persistent cough
- Wheezing
- Extreme tiredness (fatigue)
- Pain in your chest or shoulders
- In more advanced cases, clubbed (swollen) fingertips
Because asbestos is such a dangerous substance, Redline Emergency Services has a strict set of procedures and safety practices when dealing with asbestos abatement. To try and remove it without the expertise and equipment of our team would mean placing yourself in danger of serious asbestos poisoning, so it’s important that you always rely on professionals for asbestos remediation.
Redline Emergency Services is renowned for our punctuality and clear communication. We’ll always remain transparent as we work with you to ensure your home or business has been made safe and sanitized once more. No matter how big or small the job is, we’ll ensure the asbestos removal process is thorough and effective so that you need not call upon us a second time. To learn more about our services, get in touch with us today!
Request a free estimate using the button below or give us a call at (469) 951-9970.