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Identifying Signs of Asbestos in Your Home or Building

Asbestos was a common material in household insulation and certain products for many years. However, it was discovered that the particles spread by asbestos when disturbed are highly hazardous to your health—going so far as to cause a form of cancer called mesothelioma. For that reason, it’s important to identify signs of asbestos in your home or building so that you can quickly begin the abatement process.

The Building Is Old

This is a common issue on the east coast of the United States, as many of the homes and buildings there are older than what you’d find on the west coast. Unfortunately, many of these old homes and buildings contain asbestos. As a result, it’s always wise to hire specialists who can inspect your home before you move in. Seek asbestos removal in Dallas for professionals with the expertise and equipment necessary for identifying and removing asbestos without putting themselves or you at risk.

Tears, Abrasions, and Water Damage

A more obvious sign of asbestos in your building is when you identify tears, abrasions, or water damage in areas you suspect contain asbestos. Asbestos strands are very fine, so even the smallest disturbances will kick up particles. If you observe any physical signs like this, you should close off and avoid that area until professionals can clean up the affected area. Don’t try to handle asbestos on your own.

Changes in Health

Signs of asbestos in your walls may come from its effects on your health. Prolonged exposure to asbestos—specifically, inhaling asbestos particles—can cause persistent dry coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain, and even weight loss. More extreme signs include a dry, crackling sound whenever you breathe and swelling at the tips of your fingers and toes. If you observe any of these respiratory issues, you should seek medical assistance as quickly as possible and have your home inspected.